Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wreath Tutorial!!

I'm pretty crafty. And when I can't possibly apply for any more jobs or watch anymore daytime TV, I make stuff. And I'm pretty good at it, I think.  So I got bored and made this wreath:

I originally saw the idea on Pinterest (are you guys on Pinterest? It will consume your life with awesome), but it was a for a Halloween wreath. The format is endlessly adaptable though, just use whatever ribbons you like. 

You will need: a wreath form of any size, wide ribbon for wrapping the form, at least 120 inches of your choice of ribbon, hot glue, and your sewing machine if you have one.  You can use whatever ribbon you like, and however many different types you want.  I used 5 spools of 5/8 inch Christmas ribbon. Next time I make one of these, I'll definitely use more though, I barely had enough.

Step 1: Wrap the wreath form in the wide ribbon, securing both ends with hot glue.

Step 2: cut your decorating ribbon into 3 inch lengths.

Step 3:  Sew the cut ribbon lengths into little loops. If you don't have a sewing machine, or don't want to use it, you can hot glue them, but if you can sew them, I think it's much easier.

When you're done sewing you have a fun chain of loops.   

Step 4: Cut all the little loops apart

Step 5: Start gluing all the little loops onto the wrapped wreath form. Apply the glue in between the ends below the seam so the loops stand up on the wreath.

I start by applying a few around the center of the ring and build out from there so the distribution is even over the whole wreath.

Oh, I should have mentioned to save a 15 inch or longer length of one of the ribbons to hang the wreath with.  Hopefully you read all the directions before starting the project. Did you ever take that test in school that says read the directions all the way before beginning, and the end of the directions says "Don't do anything" but if you don't read, you start an impossible test?  I digress.

Step 6: Tie your hanging loop onto the wreath. I added a loop of the wrapping ribbon to tie mine too, but you can just use a longer hanging piece and loop it through the wrapping or just through the middle of the wreath.

Step 7: Hang prominently and shame your neighbors because they don't have an awesome wreath like yours. Unless you're my neighbor (which I know you're not, because my neighbor is a permanently sour faced haaaaaaterrrrr who won't talk to me).

I absolutely love this wreath because you can use whatever ribbon you want and make it for any occasion! And you can just pick a fun color for those times of year where there isn't a themed holiday to make a wreath for.  It would also be a great gift, since it cost less than $20 to make.

So enjoy your wreath making, friends. And please post any helpful hints, or pictures of wreaths you make!!

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